ef:.|Probably there is no free Wavekit memory left.|Delete other sounds from the memory (select a sound, then press <Write> <R4>)
em:|or install the|ME-1 memory expansion
er:[2][^0 reports:|^1^2^3.][OK]
ba:Waiting for %s to finish Backup.
ad: &Additive ||Options for editing Additive Sources
dd: &Show 3D||Configures the display of 3D curves
d0: &Soft|aS|Shows only the 3D curve for the Soft spectrum
d1: &Loud|aL|Shows only the 3D curve for the Loud spectrum
d2: &Both|aB|Shows the 3D curves for both spectrums
he: &Edit Group||Sets the mode of Spectrum editing
h0: Br&ight|aI|Switches to editing of bright overtones
h1: Dar&k|aK|Switches to editing of dark overtones
h2: &Odd|aO|Switches to editing of odd-numbered overtones
h3: &Even|aE|Switches to editing of even-numbered overtones
h4: O&ctave|aC|Switches to editing of octave overtones
h5: &Fifth|aF|Switches to editing of fifth overtones
h6: &All|aA|Switches to editing of all overtones
h7: &Rectangle|aR|Switches to editing of a rectangular range of overtones
h8: &Triangle|aT|Switches to editing of a triangular range of overtones
h9: &Draw|aD|Switches to editing by drawing an overtone curve
ed:[1][Please press the EDIT button at the K5000W. Otherwise it wouldn’t process the following parameter change message correctly.||You can prevent this message by updating the K5000W OS to version 2.01 and rescanning the K5000W.][OK]
sp:Finding Pitch
s0:[2][The sample rate is 0.][Cancel]
sf:[0][Sample import is finished.|FFT has been performed with ^0 windowing.|Retry with different FFT windowing?][Square|Parzen|Welch|Done]